
Only London-related picture I have BEFORE i came to London

Only London-related picture I have BEFORE i came to London

Greetings from London!!!

My name is Andrew and I have embarked on what I am told is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; study abroad! I am a senior at Temple University, and I am studying at the Foundation for International Education in the Royal Burrough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Most of you who will read this (family, friends, and well, me in the near future) probably already know this info about me, so I will get started….

I have now been here for about a month, and although I have started a journal, and have tried blogs, I thought that now that I feel settled here and have embarked on many journeys and experiences already, I could sit down and reflect on the major things I have done. I wish I could do a day by day track of my time here, but lets be honest, sometimes I get lazy or i’m too busy with school stuff, or its the choice between writing in my blog or getting some much needed rest so I can go out and experience even more of this wonderful city.

So this is my intro blog. Let me explain how I want to format or organize this (well, how I hope to structure this..)

I am going to go back and recollect my thoughts on the big things that stick out in my mind. You will see these things below. I forgot to mention that my class schedule gves me off on Thursdays and Fridays. While many other Temple students are going to their internships, I wanted to make good use of my extra time…

So as I was taking a jog in Hyde park, observing all the people in the park while breaking a sweat, and also watching buses pass by along the street beside me (driving on the OTHER SIDE of the road!!), I thought of trying to take a new numbered bus one day a week, most likely a thursday or friday, and just taking it for about 20 minutes, then getting off, finding a park or open area, and just spend the day there. Afterwards, i’ll come back, with some pictures of the area, and just write in here, based on inspiration from these places.

To end this intro, I must say how this past month has made me so grateful. This experience to explore a new country and culture is just remarkable, and I am just so grateful and thankful that I am able to do so.


~ by andrewwgood on September 30, 2009.

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